Speaker & Worship Leader:- John DiLeo
Follow this shortcut to the bottom of the page for the various readings, videos, etc. shared in the service.
John DiLeo © 26th March 2023
Today, I’m reprising – nearly in its entirety – a service I led in September 2019. At that service, our guest speaker, Jean McElhaney, presented a talk titled “How can awareness of death enrich life?”
We reached out to Jean, to see if she might be willing to join us again today, but we were unable to get in touch. I considered simply playing the recording of her talk from our website, but ended up going in a slightly different direction: I’ll be playing a recorded TED Talk from 2016, on a similar topic.
given at TEDMED 2016
Welcome:- “Sanctuary of the Soul” by David R. Chapman
Opening words:- “Spirit of Life and Hope” by Clarke Dewey Wells
Chalice Lighting:- “In the Mystery of Life About Us There is Light” by George Kimmich Beach
Performed by TheGWVibes DC, USA.
Time for all ages:- “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst
Meditation:- “Living Brings Us Closer to Dying” , by Helen Lutton Cohen
Closing words:- “The Purpose of This Community is to Help Its People Grow” by Erik Walker Wikstrom