Tag Archives: Transcendentalism

Heresy: A Spiritual Value

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. clay Nelson © 25 June 2017

I have had many highlights in my ministry, the greatest being our giving sanctuary to the Indian students, but that is closely followed by two instances of delegations approaching the Anglican bishop to demand that I be tried for heresy. Continue reading Heresy: A Spiritual Value

Who knew? Unitarians Evolve!

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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To read Clay’s sermon from July 2006 referred to in his opening words, follow this link to the St Matthew-in-the-City website.

Rev. Clay Nelson © 25 September 2016

Two weeks ago I shared the story of my evolution from an orthodox theistic liberal Christian to a heterodox non-theistic progressive Christian to simply a follower of Jesus. That is a lot of evolving in a short time. It is like evolving from being a Neanderthal to a Homo sapiens in one 67-year lifetime. Social Philosopher William Irwin Thompson has said, “For the first time in human evolution, the individual life is long enough, and the cultural transformation swift enough, that the individual mind is now a constituent player in the global transformation of human culture.” I’m not sure how much my mind has transformed Christianity, but lots of folk thinking like I do have. Continue reading Who knew? Unitarians Evolve!

The Spirituality Gap

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What is Spirituality? And do I want some of that?

By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 14 June 2015

Some of you who only see me on Sunday may think I wear this collar all the time. No, it is not tattooed on me. While on occasion I wear it on a hospital visit or when participating in some public event like the gay pride parade, the only time I regularly wear it during the week is on Sunday mornings. The rest of the time you will find me more informally attired. My reason for wearing it is to remind myself of my role, like an actor putting on make-up and her costume. It is a spiritual discipline. Continue reading The Spirituality Gap

Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.



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Clay Nelson © 31 May 2015

Have you ever had a eureka moment, perhaps on a tramp in some remote part of the South Island, watching the gannets feed their newly hatched chicks on the cliffs above Muriwai beach or looking into the face of your child or grandchild for the first time? Continue reading Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?