Tag Archives: secular

Celebrating Human Rights: Freedom from Religion

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David Hines

David is a member of Auckland Unitarian Church, and also Public relations officer for the Secular Education Network.



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David Hines © 4 December 2016

Secular education – the battle behind the scenes

Good morning. I’d like to thank you all and Clay Nelson especially for inviting me to speak about human rights, and how it affects our state schools. Continue reading Celebrating Human Rights: Freedom from Religion

Christmas: A Holiday without Borders

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By Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. Clay Nelson © 13 December 2015

I confess I am sometimes subject to flights of fancy. I had an episode a few days ago. I wondered what Jesus would think if he actually came back as some Christians believe he will some day. “Came back from where?” is a question that comes to mind. But never mind. It would be especially intriguing to hear his reactions to what he would find if he came back at this time of year. What would he think? Continue reading Christmas: A Holiday without Borders

Does the Kingdom of God need God?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. Clay Nelson © 29 November 2015

Making sense of the world is not easy. Psychologists explain that to do so it is necessary to organise incoming sensations into information that is meaningful. They think we do this by perceiving individual sensory stimuli as a meaningful whole. The brain creates a whole image from individual stimuli.

Optical illusion - duck or rabbit?

Sometimes what we see is really there but we see different things like the optical illusion of a duck that also can be a rabbit. Continue reading Does the Kingdom of God need God?