Quiz Night Returns!

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Absent in 2020 due to ‘that virus’ Quiz Night returns in 2021 bigger and better than ever!

Saturday 22 May, 6.00 pm–10.00pm:  

Contact Betsy Marshall (quiznight@aucklandunitarian.org.nz) or sign up at a Sunday service to let us know if you (and the number of family members/friends) are planning to attend the Celebration Dinner and Quiz Night at the church on Saturday 22 May from 6.00pm to 10.00pm
As everyone will be seated at round tables for eight, we are keen to ensure we have enough tables for everyone attending.
Also, please bring along a main, salad or dessert for six to eight people for a pot-luck dinner.
How wonderful it will be to get together after a year of Covid restrictions.  Also, we look forward to having a brief presentation from our Church Treasurer about what will be needed to ensure our community continues to thrive this year.
Hope to see you on Saturday 22 May.
Betsy Marshall
Quiz Night Coordinator