Auckland Pride Festival

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Standing on the Side of Love

Auckland Pride Festival LogoAuckland Unitarians support the Auckland Pride Festival. The festival is New Zealand’s biggest social and cultural celebration for the Rainbow Community (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Takatāpui, Fa’afafine, Intersex, Queer) and their friends and families. 

The festival will run from Saturday 7 February until Sunday 1 March, with events right across the Auckland region. Auckland UU members will be joining The Auckland Rainbow Community Church (ARCC) for the Pride parade along Ponsonby Road on Saturday 21 February starting at 7.30 pm. The ARCC sees this as “an opportunity to make a positive Christian statement of God’s love for all in the face of widespread criticism of the church because of its reputation towards gay people”.

Our Sunday Services on 15th and 22nd February 2015 and featured talks from members of the Auckland Rainbow Community reflecting on their experience in faith communities.

Our Sunday Services on 14th and 28th February 2016 and featured talks from members of the Auckland Rainbow Community reflecting on gender identity and transgender issues.

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Standing on the Side of Love