All posts by David Rohe

Swan Song

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with David Rohe

Worship Associate:- Kurt Payne

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©2019 David Rohe

Opening Words

As usual, I did a little research for this talk today, very little, and started with investigating what sounds a swan makes so I could comment on them here. Guess what. Swans are mute. Irony is great.

Undeterred, I pressed on since I believe I have something worthwhile to say to this community, and besides, I like y’all. My tendency, wherever I land is to try to make something a bit better. Due to my previous experiences at UU churches I think I see a way to offer ideas for this church to get where it seems to want to go. So, muteness aside, this talk is about what I want to leave you with as Sharon and I head out on a new adventure, or adventures, beginning this winter.

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We’re at church, so what?!

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with David Rohe & Kurt Payne


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David Rohe, Kurt Payne © 27th May 2018

Opening words

Here’s an excerpt of a few conversations to be had tomorrow. “So, what did you get up to yesterday?” “Me, I went to church in the morning, not much in the afternoon, just puttered around the garden here at home.”
“Church, eh? What church?”
“The Unitarian Church, over in Ponsonby.”
Now, the conversation can go one of many directions, Continue reading We’re at church, so what?!

Sharon Got Scared when I Said ‘I Don’t Care’

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with David Rohe


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David Rohe © 28th January 2018

It was last month, early December in my 75th year, and something slipped. It was a Saturday, and I actually mentioned the situation to Clay at church the next day. So did Sharon. She also mentioned it to a few other people because she was worried about me. The responses I received were varied, mostly expressions of worry for my mental health with a few “Maybe we can talk about this sometime” type remarks.

What happened that Saturday is fairly easily described, and I suspect worth the telling here, among friends and family. Why it happened is pure speculation. Continue reading Sharon Got Scared when I Said ‘I Don’t Care’

Spring Cleaning

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Kurt Payne and David Rohe


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David Rohe © 18 September 2016

My prepared talk is blissfully short. I intend it to be an introduction or stimulus for open discussion when I finish.

Spring Cleaning

It’s Spring, season of renewal. The earth and all its inhabitants are enlivened. Many of mankind’s institutions are reinvigorated as well, like churches, eh? Like this church, bringing UU principles to Auckland and environs these past 114 years. New people, new programs, old and new issues receiving appropriate attention.

Except, there may need to be some Spring cleaning to clear our space of the remnants of the elephant in the room. There is one, you know, an elephant – in the room. Who here does not know what this saying means? Continue reading Spring Cleaning

Mark Twain visits Auckland Unitarians

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Mark Twain toured New Zealand in 1895 as part of his world speaking tour. At that time, he was one of the most readily recognized personalities on the world stage. His programmes brought his social comment to audiences using wit, sarcasm, irony and straight humor. This Sunday, member David Rohe reprises his role as Samuel Clemens sharing some of Twain’s observations of the human condition that speak to us today.

This monologue is an edited version of Hal Holbrook’s “Mark Twain tonight.”

A Confirmed Rationalist Confronts Magic

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By David Rohe


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David Rohe © 24 January 2016

Link to last Sunday’s Sufi Service, mentioned at the beginning of the audio recording of this talk.

First, let me say that I have been considering this topic for several years, probably since 2002. Therefore, I want to thank you for the opportunity to organize my thoughts a bit in order to present them, hopefully understandably.

Next, I had better let you know who is telling you this so you might appreciate the magnitude of the revelations, as they were. Continue reading A Confirmed Rationalist Confronts Magic