All posts by John Maindonald

The Age of the Machine —
What Kind of Society do we Want?

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Speaker:- John Maindonald
Worship Leader:- Shirin Caldwell

The Age of the Machine —
What Kind of Society do we Want?
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John Maindonald © 10 November 2024

Today, no business of any size uses paper based accounting. The move from paper based systems started in the late 1950s when large corporations started using computer mainframes, as they were called, for basic operations. In the 1980s personal computers made computer-based accounting systems widely available.

The chatbots that have attracted wide attention in the past several years are a very different technology from accounting systems. In January of last year, Ted Zorn spoke about “Finding our humanity in a technologized world”, looking in particular at the abilities of 2024 chatbots akin to ChatGPT. Chatbots per se are not all that new. The Eliza chatbot came on the scene in the mid 1960s. One could ask it “What can you say that will make me happy?”, and it would come back with a sympathetic response. ChatGPT is of course a vastly more powerful beast, using information that it gathers from the internet for answers that usually appear plausible.

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What Kind of Society do we Want?

Charles Darwin’s religious life journey

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Speaker:- John Maindonald
Worship Leader:- Shirin Caldwell

Charles Darwin’s religious life journey

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John Maindonald © 7 April 2024

From the time when he returned from his five year journey around the world, Darwin thought long and hard, not just about the relationships between living things, but also about life and living. He moved from relatively orthodox Anglican to an agnostic who never ceased to wonder at the world of nature and the place of humans in it. While he never identified as a Unitarian, he was exposed to multiple sources of Unitarian influence. A Unitarian fellow scientist wrote that:-

as a Man he exemplified in his own life that true religion, which is deeper, wider, and loftier than any Theology.”

[W B Carpenter. Charles Darwin: his life and work. Modern Review 1882 3: page 523.]

Three weeks ago, we looked at the manner in which, from a very privileged position in society, Darwin was able to gain the knowledge and skills that fitted him to work as Naturalist on the British Admiralty ship the Beagle. We saw how this passionate student of Nature felt forced to the conclusion that a common evolutionary origin for all living things was needed to explain his observations.

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Part of Nature, or separate from Nature?
Charles Darwin and Evolutionary Biology.

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Speaker:- John Maindonald
Worship Leader:- Shirin Caldwell

Part of Nature, or separate from Nature?
Charles Darwin and Evolutionary Biology.
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Due to gremlins with recording the early part of the service is missing from the recordings.

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John Maindonald © 17 March 2024

Charles Darwin, who lived through the middle years of the 1800s, is familiar to most of us as the man who laid the foundations of the modern theory of evolution. His ideas have had dramatic continuing effects on our view of ourselves and of the world of which we are part. The idea that living things shared a common evolutionary heritage was not new. What was new was the mechanism that Darwin, along with Alfred Wallace who came up with very similar ideas at the same time, proposed. Darwin worked his arguments into a book of almost 500 pages that was widely read and finally carried the day in the world of science. It is a careful assembly of evidence, from animal breeding, from geology, and from the way that different life forms are distributed across different continents and islands.

Continue reading Part of Nature, or separate from Nature?
Charles Darwin and Evolutionary Biology.

No person is an island unto themselves

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Speaker:- John Maindonald
Worship Leader:- Shirin Caldwell

No person is an island unto themselves
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John Maindonald © 8 October 2023

John Donne (1572-1631), who wrote the words that I want to ponder today, lived in England in troubled times. He was born to a staunchly Roman Catholic family at a time when it was illegal to be a practicing Catholic.

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