Speaker & Worship Leader:- Jonathan Mason
Jonathan Mason © 9 June 2024
Meditation / Conversation starter
- Why do you attend the Auckland Unitarian Church?
- How do we create a thriving church over the next 10 years?
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Jonathan Mason © 17 December 2023
Each year, as we celebrate Christmas, I have wondered what really happened in Bethlehem. The Nativity Scene is embedded in our seasonable culture. In our Unitarian hymn book, we have about 25 hymns that refer to Bethlehem, the Star, and the manger scene. So this year, with the request for sermons, I thought I would review the historical evidence for the Nativity before Christmas. Now the good news is that for events that occurred 2000 years ago, you can believe whatever you wish. And I’ll skip over the Immaculate Conception, which Unitarians and even many Christians don’t believe.
Continue reading Luke’s Christmas StoryRead below, or download the PDF
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Jonathan Mason © 12 February 2023
The question of whether there is life in the universe is one of the big questions of the 20th and 21st century. Movies such as ET, Contact, Arrival and Interstellar have explored these issues along with alien invasion movies such as Independence Day. I remember growing up watching the night sky with a sense of wonder, In my search for the mystery in life, Unitarian Principle #4, I have found the question of whether there is other life in the universe to be one of the profound mysteries that I reflect on. The answer to this question may also impact Unitarian Principle #7, on the interdependency of humans with our world, in ways that I’ll discuss later. In the following talk, I’ll go over the prevailing science on Extra terrestrial life and then discuss its implications for our world and Unitarianism. This is a personal talk giving my views on issues, apologies for those who have different views.
Continue reading Is there Other Life in the Universe? Implications for UnitariansIn two weeks, on 27 April 2019, we will be having our Annual Quiz Night to celebrate our 2019 Pledge Campaign. If you haven’t signed up at church, please contact Kay Parish quiznight@aucklandunitarian.org.nz to confirm your attendance.
In September of this year we will complete our fifth year with Clay Nelson as permanent minister. Having a high quality permanent minister has increased our membership to 84 up from 42 five years ago. The church programme has been enriched by twice a month adult RE sessions for the past three years with a new programme on Unitarianism: A Living Tradition planned for next month following last year’s programme on Facing Death to Live. We also have an active programme for children.
Continue reading We need your support!Read below or download the PDF
Jonathan Mason © 14 April 2019
Thank you, Clay. I’m Jonathan Mason, a long time member of the church and the head of the 2019 Pledge Drive and I am happy to come to you today to talk about the state of the congregation and the formal kick-off of our 2019-2020 pledge drive.
It’s been three years since I addressed the congregation and before we get to the canvass issue at hand, I’d like to give a quick summary of my history as a Unitarian and the ongoing development of my Unitarian theology.
Continue reading Pledge SundayDownload the PDF of this page.
Hello, I’m Jonathan Mason and I’ve been a member at the church for the better part of the last 15 years, broken by one stint in Boston. Continue reading Hymns in History
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Jonathan will talk about what the Auckland Unitarians have meant to him over the past 15 years, and the role of the canvass in a healthy church.