You are invited to a Zoom Book Launch – Wayne Facer’s latest book
Saturday August 20th 5pm via Zoom (link below) – come and meet the author
Upon reading a copy of the book Sir Lloyd Geering said that “Norman Murray Bell deserves to have his life recorded” and he had “enjoyed reading it and seeing the grand collection of photos.”
Agenda – Launch will take no longer than one hour.
- David Hines MC – Welcome to the speakers
- Peter Lineham, Professor of History Massey University
- Brent Efford, son of Lincoln Efford a contemporary of Bell, remembers meeting Norman Murray Bell
- Wayne Facer
How to order the book? – instructions below – this can be done at any time

When the army called Bell in 1917, he flatly refused and was imprisoned for two years with hard labour. As one of New Zealand’s 2,320 military defaulters from the First World War, his civil rights were curtailed for ten years. This book details Bell’s peace activities as well as his leadership in the Unitarian movement.
The stories of our peace heroes and anti-war activists, are an important but neglected part of New Zealand and world history. Thankfully some are being documented, even though they are not given the attention they deserve by society.
Graham Murphy, writer and reviewer for Faith and Freedom, Oxford says; Wayne Facer’s biography details family history, school career, and the lasting effects of Bell’s devotion to peace. Consistent with the author’s earlier work, A Vision Splendid, this book is a fascinating read.
Laurie Ross, New Zealand Nuclear Free Peacemakers says; Prophet at the Gate is a major contribution in the documentation of NZ peace history. Peaceworkers continue the noble tradition of cultivating civic pride in higher social values of humanity and the spiritual struggle for human goodness, truth and beauty.
you can order your copy of the book here whether you attend the Zoom meeting or not – Details of pricing and options below;
Options for buying book
- New book only (Prophet at the Gate) = $35.75 includes GST and postage
- New book (Prophet at the Gate) plus A Vision Splendid 2nd edition (half price) = $50 includes GST and postage
How to buy book
- Deposit into Auckland Unitarian Bank account; 02-0100-0024691-00 and note name, and book in the payee instructions
- Send the following details to or phone Viv at 021550180
- Which option (1 or 2)
- Postal address
- Name you would like Wayne to write in the book when signing your copy
- Email and Phone number in case we need to contact you

This book is essential reading for anyone who has an interest in New Zealand’s early history, Unitarianism, trade unionism, worker’s education and the fight for secular education.
In a world where religion is increasingly associated with hatred, bigotry, fanaticism, violence and misogyny, Jellie’s story provides an alternative – a vision splendid – where values rooted in the liberal religious tradition are the ones helpful in promoting social justice, protecting the powerless and reducing social and economic inequality. It is a story we can turn to for inspiration as we continue to work for fairness in society, equality of opportunity, and the enrichment of the human spirit.
Zoom Link
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Prophet At The Gate
Time: Aug 20, 2022 17:00 Auckland, Wellington
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