The Children’s Group (Inclusive Values Education) runs each Sunday during worship time. All children of primary and intermediate school age are welcome.
Children start the service with the congregation, participating in the covenant, first hymn, a story, and Joys and Concerns, and then move to an adjacent room for the remainder of the service with the teachers.
Our programme seeks an outcome of respectful, responsible, life-loving kids who know who they are and are ready to show others the same deep acceptance.
If you would like your child to attend the children’s programme during the service, please download and fill out the form below and return either a physical copy to the teachers on Sunday or a digital copy to the Children’s Committee at
Currently we are working through a programme focussing on learning more about the Unitarian Principles interspersed with working on current inter-faith holidays and celebrations such as Matariki and Earth Day.
Sunday 11th July: Anna will be making Matariki soup with the children and they will share this with the congregation at morning tea. We need a volunteer to help as Isabella will be away.
Sunday 18th July: Anna and Isabella will be discussing the principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part” and doing some activities about the web of life.
The Programme
Unitarian Universalist (UU) children’s programmes build resilience, offering support through life’s tough times and encouraging each child to connect with their own quest for purpose and meaning.
Kids learn respect for others and respect for themselves. They experience spiritual practices and learn ways to centre themselves, whether by sitting cross-legged and taking a few deep breaths, giving thanks before they eat a meal, or looking up at the stars in wonder.
Lessons focus on the seven Unitarian Universalist principles, and utilise the Tapestry of Faith curriculum provided by the Unitarian Universalist Association. “Tapestry of Faith is a series of programmes and resources for all ages that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, transforming faith and vital communities of justice and love.”
The programme includes stories, worship, songs and activities which inspire social action, ethical and spiritual living and a foundation for a faith-based life. The Tapestry of Faith website provides additional information for parents and children who have questions or would like to learn more about the lessons.
Volunteer Roster
Our lovely teachers Isabella and Anna will be working with the children each Sunday. To connect with the children and help Isabella and Anna, we encourage adults to help with the children each week – sign up below for a Sunday of your choice. If you are available for a regular shift, say every other month, please note that in the comments. We anticipate having enough volunteers for any single individual to volunteer once every 2 or 3 months to keep the roster covered.
You don’t need to do more than just be there to support our teacher. Of course you are also welcome to join in and participate as much as you wish and are able.
Our children are precious to our Church whānau, and the involvement of the Church Community is essential to our vision of growing our community in size and age diversity. Intergenerational integration may ultimately include such treasures as an all-age Christmas pageant, special Intergenerational Services, family social gatherings, meals, and other celebrations and events. Help us send a message to families in Auckland that we are offering a wonderful opportunity for their children to participate in an Inclusive Values Educational Programme.
Pick 1 (or more) available Sunday(s), then fill in your details below:-