Pre-school Children’s Circle Programme

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Children’s circle group

Our Unitarian Inclusive Values Education programme is provided for children aged 2 and up during the service. Our pre-school teacher for children aged 2-5 is Sandy Hildebrandt.

All children start the service with the support of their teachers, joining the congregation through ‘Joys & Concerns,’ and then move to their own rooms for the remainder of the service. There the Preschool group follows the curriculum outlined in Chalice Children, adapted to Aotearoa New Zealand contexts.

Early childhood is filled with curiosity and wonder. In a group setting, with loving adult guides, young children can engage in spiritual seeking, develop their openness to sharing, and experience the benefit of a supportive community. Their time in Chalice Children can set a pattern for the rest of their lives and bring lasting benefits.

Babies (ages 0-2) are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their parents during the service. There is a small play area set up at the back of the church. Alternatively, if parents prefer, we have a speaker in a room adjacent to the sanctuary where they can listen to the sermon privately with their children but still join in with the other parts of the service as well as the coffee hour afterwards. We invite parents to choose the option that works best for their family..

Our Sunday classes for school-aged children (5yo+) follow the Tapestry of Faith curriculum.