Tag Archives: community

A Vision of Our Future

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. clay Nelson © 4 June 2017

I am not a fan of turning nouns into verbs. So, I have an internal resistance to using the word visioning, but I know it describes a distinct reality. Before beginning a test I’m sure the All Blacks spend some time visioning on how they will make their winning tries. Continue reading A Vision of Our Future

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot

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Rev. Clay Nelson



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Rev. Clay Nelson © 12 February 2017

When I was thinking about Sunday service topics in February I thought we might need some time to reflect on this strange new world we find ourselves in since the US presidential inauguration on January 20 and how to respond to it as Unitarians. I looked. There is nothing in the history books that tells us quite what to do. No one alive today has ever seen anything quite like this before, leaving many of us scratching our heads and wondering in the language of the military’s phonetic alphabet: Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?

But the best-laid plans for this Sunday were trumped Continue reading Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot

The Paradox of Creating a Community of Individuals

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Openning words – from John DonneDevotions upon Emergent OccasionsMeditation XVII – No Man is an Island…..

Rev. Clay Nelson © 26 June 2016

My career choices have required my studying human development, a subject that intrigues me. We all go through similar developmental stages as we make the journey from being joined physically and emotionally to our mothers to becoming separate individuals in our own right. While the stages are universal, they obviously do not create carbon copies. We are not all the same. We are each unique, even if we are an identical twin sharing the same genes, family, and history with another. Continue reading The Paradox of Creating a Community of Individuals