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Ignore Easter? So tempting.

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Rev. Clay Nelson



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Rev. clay Nelson © 16 Apil 2017

When I was in seminary, every seminarian was assigned a parish to do field work in for two years. My second Easter, I was given the opportunity to preach on Easter Sunday. A few months later a couple in the congregation came to see me. They brought me a novel the wife had written. In a former life they had been Idaho sheep farmers. The book is about the lonely life of a shepherd who cares for his flock. Continue reading Ignore Easter? So tempting.

Easter? Bah Humbug!

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.

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Clay Nelson © 5 April 2015

Last year, in my former life, I would have greeted you this morning with the ancient Easter Acclamation: “Alleluia. Christ is risen.” My Anglican congregation would have responded enthusiastically, “He is risen indeed. Alleluia” Continue reading Easter? Bah Humbug!