Tag Archives: fear

Keep Calm and Carry On

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By Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. Clay Nelson © 6 December 2015

Sometimes the beginning of a sermon has an unlikely beginning. At the Living Wage Office where I work three mornings a week, in the break room there is a sign with a familiar look. It is red with a white crown at the top. Underneath it says “Keep Calm. Fill the dishwasher, not the sink.” It made me think about the original sign of which it is a parody, “Keep Calm and Carry On.” We see it everywhere these days affixed to signs, greeting cards, tea towels, coffee mugs, and the like. Over my morning tea I wondered where it came from and why. Continue reading Keep Calm and Carry On

The Battle for God

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 17 May 2015

Last week a former colleague of mine, another progressive Christian, posted an encounter on his Facebook page. He told of a sweet looking elderly lady coming to see him in his office. Continue reading The Battle for God