Tag Archives: Margaret Fuller

Preaching a Feminist Gospel

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. clay Nelson © 13 August 2017

As anyone in my line of work knows, there is a vast body of religious humour. Every faith and denomination has theirs. Generally, they are not nasty. They are the kind of jokes we tell on ourselves, self-deprecating humour that reveals something about who we are, including our foibles.

As a Unitarian, I have a rich body of humour to draw upon. For a small denomination, we laugh at ourselves a lot. One that tickles me goes like this: A group of children in a Unitarian religious ed class were trying to determine the sex of a rabbit. “There’s only one way to decide,” said one child, “let’s take a vote on it.” Continue reading Preaching a Feminist Gospel

Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.



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Clay Nelson © 31 May 2015

Have you ever had a eureka moment, perhaps on a tramp in some remote part of the South Island, watching the gannets feed their newly hatched chicks on the cliffs above Muriwai beach or looking into the face of your child or grandchild for the first time? Continue reading Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?