Tag Archives: Martin Luther King Jr

When is breaking the law a moral imperative?

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Rev. clay Nelson © 6 August 2017

If you grew up in 1950s America as I did, you probably assumed certain things about the world. In particular, the system was fair. It never occurred to me that the system was rigged to reward my privilege of being born white, male, and middle class. My privilege blinded me to the fact that this wasn’t true for everyone.

Until I went to university I only knew one black person my own age. Continue reading When is breaking the law a moral imperative?

Building A Beloved Community

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Rev. Clay Nelson



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Rev. clay Nelson © 5 March 2017

I’ve been reflecting a lot recently on why, since the age of five, I’ve more often than not been in church on Sundays. Of course, for most of my adult life it has been my vocation. It paid the bills. But in my reflections I’ve wondered, if that was not the case, would I still find myself here almost every Sunday? What need does it fulfil? Continue reading Building A Beloved Community

Why Who and What We Love Matters

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 23 August 2015

One of the problems with publicising a sermon topic a month before writing it is life does not stand still until you compose it. My published title, “Why what and whom we love is important,” was challenged almost immediately by my remembering John Lennon’s observation, “It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it matters only that you love.” He’s right…mostly and I’m wrong…mostly. What he doesn’t mention is we can love badly. But I get ahead of myself. Continue reading Why Who and What We Love Matters