Tag Archives: reason

The Empathy Paradox

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 9 August 2015

When I was about 13, my father and I were walking home together. We would have made quite a sight. Because of his polio he walked rather slowly with a pronounced gimp. To keep his pace I unconsciously would walk along side him with the same gait. I can’t remember what prompted his comment, but he said to me, “Clay, I don’t think you should ever become a dentist.” Surprised by this seeming non sequitur, I asked why. “Because you are extremely empathetic.” Having no clue, I asked what that meant. Continue reading The Empathy Paradox

Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.



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Clay Nelson © 31 May 2015

Have you ever had a eureka moment, perhaps on a tramp in some remote part of the South Island, watching the gannets feed their newly hatched chicks on the cliffs above Muriwai beach or looking into the face of your child or grandchild for the first time? Continue reading Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?