Tag Archives: Unitarian Universalism

Passing the Flame

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Rev. Clay Nelson

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Please accept our apologies for the sound quality this week, and for the absence of the first 3 paragraphs below from the audio recording.

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Rev. clay Nelson © 30 July 2017

In preparation for this Sunday, when we welcome new members to our congregation, I have been reflecting on what it means to self-identify as a Unitarian and how it has changed. Continue reading Passing the Flame

Building A Beloved Community

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Rev. Clay Nelson



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Rev. clay Nelson © 5 March 2017

I’ve been reflecting a lot recently on why, since the age of five, I’ve more often than not been in church on Sundays. Of course, for most of my adult life it has been my vocation. It paid the bills. But in my reflections I’ve wondered, if that was not the case, would I still find myself here almost every Sunday? What need does it fulfil? Continue reading Building A Beloved Community

Progressive Christianity: Oxymoron or Unitarian?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 26 July 2015

Many present day Unitarians have a negative view of Christianity, some for good reasons. They have experienced or were a victim of one of its toxic versions. Others formed their opinions from the side-lines. Media accounts that lumped all Christians together, reported on Christian adherence to patriarchy, opposition to a woman’s right to choose, intolerance of other religious faiths, condemnation of the LGBTQ community, belief in creationism, and reliance on the Bible as the literal word of God, to mention but a few. Continue reading Progressive Christianity: Oxymoron or Unitarian?