Which do you prefer – the Jewish Garden of Eden? Or the Christian One?

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with David Hines

Which do you prefer – the Jewish Garden of Eden?
Or the Christian One?
Listen, or download the MP3

David Hines © 3rd January 2021

No text this week.

Discussion / Meditation

  • What was your reaction to Juliet Moses’ address?
  • Is racism a problem in New Zealand?
  • If so, what could we do about it?


“Mi Chamocha/Miriam’s Song” (Song 7 of 16) from Shabbat Unplugged

The link to the Abrahamic Council discussion below is straight to Juliet Moses contribution shown in David’s talk, there is also follow up from her in response to a question starting from about 57:08.

Religious attitudes to Racism – Jewish, Christian, and Muslim views – Wellington Abrahamic Council – June 30th 2020

Let’s Celebrate
– Tune Vulpius 16th Century – Words © David Hines

Let’s celebrate how time began,
bursting to life in one huge bang,
the birthday of the whole shebang.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Beautiful Earth, with coat of green,
you’re the best planet we have seen.
Here we can breathe and dance and dream.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Running in Darwin’s relay race,
one creature dies; two take its place.
New species bloom in each free space.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

When I was born, one awesome day,
love welcomed me along the way,
fired me with hope and DNA.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Last night I heard a small voice say:
Creatures of Earth, come out and play.
Rise and enjoy this holiday.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.