All posts by Auckland Unitarian

Tree Council badges presented to MPs

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Join us for our next Craffiti project, Thursday evenings, 7.30, in the church.

Craftivist Companions have completed our project on behalf of The Tree Council. We made 120 badges and sent one to every MP asking them to support legislation to provide greater protection for urban trees.
25th June – We presented them to Deborah Russell, MP for New Lynn…
30th June – Deborah Russell delivered them to parliament for us, and we are delighted to see them being worn by several MPs!

Quiz Night Returns!

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Absent in 2020 due to ‘that virus’ Quiz Night returns in 2021 bigger and better than ever!

Saturday 22 May, 6.00 pm–10.00pm:  

Contact Betsy Marshall ( or sign up at a Sunday service to let us know if you (and the number of family members/friends) are planning to attend the Celebration Dinner and Quiz Night at the church on Saturday 22 May from 6.00pm to 10.00pm
As everyone will be seated at round tables for eight, we are keen to ensure we have enough tables for everyone attending.
Also, please bring along a main, salad or dessert for six to eight people for a pot-luck dinner.
How wonderful it will be to get together after a year of Covid restrictions.  Also, we look forward to having a brief presentation from our Church Treasurer about what will be needed to ensure our community continues to thrive this year.
Hope to see you on Saturday 22 May.
Betsy Marshall
Quiz Night Coordinator

Universal Worship

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with representatives from the major world faiths.

7:15PM, Friday 7th May 2021

Inviting people of all faiths to join us for a special service celebrating our unity and spiritual friendship across the differences of race, culture and beliefs.

Universal Worship is an inclusive service spreading the message of the underlying unity of religion. It intends to foster harmony, respect and understanding amongst the faith communities.

Universal Worship includes sacred music and readings from the scriptures of the worlds major religions.

Crafting for the Tree Council

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Craftivist Companions have completed our Living Wage Campaign. There is a poster on the notice board of some of our work, and there are some “graffiti” pieces hanging in the local neighbourhood. Have you spotted them?

Our current project is in support of the Tree Council. We are making 120 brooches with the theme of celebrating trees, one for each member of parliament. We will send them with a letter to appeal to them to act to protect our trees. If you would like to make a brooch please ask Kay, Corrine or Pien for some tips.

Even better, join us at 7.30 on Thursday evenings, at the church.

Intergenerational service celebrating Earth Day

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We invite people of all ages to join us for our intergenerational service:-

this Sunday, 18 April, at 10.00am at the church, to celebrate Earth Day.

The children will perform and lead us in a sing-along and there will be a few surprises — ways for us all to honour and celebrate our home planet. So come and join in the fun!

Update:- Follow this link for the video, text, and more about this service.

More about Earth Day    Background image by purwakawebid

Whānau day – Easter 2021

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We have decided to hold regular Whanau/Family Gathering Days throughout
the year and invite you to join us. Unitarian spirituality is all about
connection and building community.

Our first Whanau Day was held this Easter Sunday, 4 April 2021 (see slideshow below). The whole congregation were invited to a nearby member’s home and in the park behind their house, to play, share food, music, conversation, and, of course, to hunt for eggs.

Great fun, great weather, great company, a great day was had by all.

Coming up soon we will have an intergenerational service in honour of Earth
Day on 18 April at 10 am. All are welcome. Please join us!


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Craftivist Companions - Auckland Unitarian Church, Thursdays 7.30pm - All welcome, beginners to artisans. - Making projects for a better world.

Craftivism is a movement in which people come together to create pieces of handwork which reflect our desire for a better world. These craft pieces can be sent as messages to people in positions of power, or left in strategic places as pieces of “graffiti “. In the process of making, we enjoy the companionship of fellow dreamers.

New members welcome,
no skills required.

For the most up to date information, see our Facebook page.

Craftivism isn’t just Auckland Unitarians, it’s an international movement – see

A Craftivist’s Manifesto

2020 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

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Auckland Unitarians Celebrate Christmas Eve - 6.00PM Children of all ages Service : 8.00PM Candlelight Service : Everyone Welcome : No Christmas Day Service.

Our Christmas Eve was a little different this year.

At 6.00 pm we held “A Christmas for all ages”. An inter-generational service featuring and focusing on our children. Those who didn’t like to drive at night and who normally forgo the later service found this a fun and joyous alternative.

At 8.00 pm we held our traditional candlelight service followed by a festive Christmas supper. This service was live streamed to the interweb, see below:-

2020 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service