Standing on the Side of Love

Auckland UUs support the rights of the LGBTQI community

From Lisa to Elijah: Transition & Transcendence

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The second of 2 Sundays this month devoted to Gender Identity and Transgender Issues.


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Rev. Clay Nelson.

Elijah Luke Michel is a face-to-face Counsellor at OUTLine NZ and is a qualified Chaplain of no fixed faith.

Clay concluded with a meditation from Lenore Lux – What is Transgender?

Gender Identity and Transgender Issues 1

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The first of 2 Sundays this month devoted to these issues.

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Rev. Clay Nelson.

Adam Rohe.

Briar Collard – giving a talk based on a piece by John Oliver from Last Week Tonight.

Cole Meyers began with a quote from Junot Díaz and followed up with some words of his own.

Lexie Matheson shared some of her story.

Adam closed the session with a reading of Andrew by Andrea Gibson.

The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 2

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Great Extrications.

By Geno Sisneros.


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Its Pride time! That means a festival and a parade and lots of parties and all sorts of festivities where LGBT people and supporters can take part and show their gay pride.

I have to admit, I’m not much of a parade person or, dare I say it, a ‘pride person’. I don’t get it. And I don’t feel guilty for not getting it. But since I’ve been invited to speak here this morning as part of those festivities, I thought I better find out how (or even if) I and my story might somehow fit into the grand pride narrative. Continue reading The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 2

The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 1

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The Knowledge of Good and Evil (the simplicity of Love).

By Jim Marjoram.


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A little of my personal story to start with.

I was brought up in a very average middle class family in Sydney. The usual struggles and fun. Not perfect but I knew I was loved and safe. I was also gay. I knew I was different from quite young but couldn’t understand exactly how until puberty hit and I found that guys were who I was naturally attracted to and I simply had no desire what so ever towards girls. Continue reading The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 1