Standing on the Side of Love is the way our church supports marriage equality and the rights of the LGBTQI community. Auckland Unitarian Church held the first legal same sex marriage in New Zealand in 2013.

Standing on the Side of Love is the way our church supports marriage equality and the rights of the LGBTQI community. Auckland Unitarian Church held the first legal same sex marriage in New Zealand in 2013.
Born gay in an Exclusive Brethren family.
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Craig Hoyle © 26 February 2017
No text this week.
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Aatir Zaiidi © 19 February 2017
No text this week.
The second of 2 Sundays this month devoted to Gender Identity and Transgender Issues.
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Rev. Clay Nelson.
Elijah Luke Michel is a face-to-face Counsellor at OUTLine NZ and is a qualified Chaplain of no fixed faith.
Clay concluded with a meditation from Lenore Lux – What is Transgender?
The first of 2 Sundays this month devoted to these issues.
Rev. Clay Nelson.
Adam Rohe.
Briar Collard – giving a talk based on a piece by John Oliver from Last Week Tonight.
Cole Meyers began with a quote from Junot Díaz and followed up with some words of his own.
Lexie Matheson shared some of her story.
Adam closed the session with a reading of Andrew by Andrea Gibson.
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Its Pride time! That means a festival and a parade and lots of parties and all sorts of festivities where LGBT people and supporters can take part and show their gay pride.
I have to admit, I’m not much of a parade person or, dare I say it, a ‘pride person’. I don’t get it. And I don’t feel guilty for not getting it. But since I’ve been invited to speak here this morning as part of those festivities, I thought I better find out how (or even if) I and my story might somehow fit into the grand pride narrative. Continue reading The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 2
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A little of my personal story to start with.
I was brought up in a very average middle class family in Sydney. The usual struggles and fun. Not perfect but I knew I was loved and safe. I was also gay. I knew I was different from quite young but couldn’t understand exactly how until puberty hit and I found that guys were who I was naturally attracted to and I simply had no desire what so ever towards girls. Continue reading The Gay Experience in Faith Communities – 1
Auckland Unitarians support the Auckland Pride Festival. The festival is New Zealand’s biggest social and cultural celebration for the Rainbow Community (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Takatāpui, Fa’afafine, Intersex, Queer) and their friends and families. Continue reading Auckland Pride Festival