We are currently working on two projects. If you would like to come along and help us with strategy, or just to create your own piece of craftivism, please join us on Thursday evenings 7.30 at the church. Cups of tea, yummy snacks, stimulating company and craft tuition are all part of the package. Hope to see you there!
- Our blanket in support of Amnesty International’s campaign for Asylum Seeker Rights. The blanket has a flock of birds of many colours, flying towards a better future, and carrying messages of hope. Purple hearts, representing compassion and courage also adorn the blanket. We also hope to include flowers. (If you would like to add a bird, please point it to the east, so it is flying with the flock.)
- We are also supporting a campaign for a fairer future through Action Station. We are making bookmarks, with Fairer Future messages, and plan a guerrilla bookmark insertion campaign, into public library books, once we have enough ammunition.