Tag Archives: democracy

A Brave and Startling Truth: Solidarity after Helen Kelly

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Rachel Mackintosh

Vice-president, New Zealand Council of Trade Unions – Te Kauae Kaimahi,
National Director of Organising Etū, New Zealand’s largest private sector union.


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Opening Words are Kindness by Naomi Shihab Nye.

Peace and Social Justice GroupArticle in Quest (scroll to P4) re Samoan Dyslexia Aid Project.

Rachel Mackintosh © 20 November 2016

“Nothing wondrous can come in this world unless it rests on the shoulders of kindness.”

This is a quote from the Barbara Kingsolver novel, The Lacuna. The context is Leon Trotsky’s last day, in Mexico City, where he was living in exile, studying, writing and being part of a local community. Continue reading A Brave and Startling Truth: Solidarity after Helen Kelly

The Paradox of Creating a Community of Individuals

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Openning words – from John DonneDevotions upon Emergent OccasionsMeditation XVII – No Man is an Island…..

Rev. Clay Nelson © 26 June 2016

My career choices have required my studying human development, a subject that intrigues me. We all go through similar developmental stages as we make the journey from being joined physically and emotionally to our mothers to becoming separate individuals in our own right. While the stages are universal, they obviously do not create carbon copies. We are not all the same. We are each unique, even if we are an identical twin sharing the same genes, family, and history with another. Continue reading The Paradox of Creating a Community of Individuals

Living in the Age of Precarious

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 10 May 2015

In January I attended a weekend summer school offered by a trust focused on raising awareness on social justice, environmental, Treaty, and economic issues. One of the workshops taught me a new word: The Precariat. Continue reading Living in the Age of Precarious