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Putting up resistance

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Rev. Clay Nelson

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Rev. clay Nelson © 27 August 2017

“Neuroscientists tell us that our brain is constantly looking for ways to be more efficient, and habits and routines are one way of achieving that. While following a routine is somewhat antithetical to the idea of being present in the moment, of “being here now,” it does allow us to be in the present moment in a very different way, with a different consciousness, a different awareness.”

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Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.



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Clay Nelson © 31 May 2015

Have you ever had a eureka moment, perhaps on a tramp in some remote part of the South Island, watching the gannets feed their newly hatched chicks on the cliffs above Muriwai beach or looking into the face of your child or grandchild for the first time? Continue reading Do the American Transcendentalists have Anything to say to Kiwi Unitarians?