The Answer I Wish I’d Given

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Speaker & Worship Leader:- Viv Allen

The Answer I Wish I’d Given
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I’m reading a talk written by Erika Hewitt entitled; The Answer I Wish I’d Given (winner of the 2009 Stewardship Sermon Award). Erika wrote a personal, heartwarming story about ‘giving’ which for her is both a statement and an expression of her faith. This story is very relevant to the old 19th century concept of ‘deserving poor’ where government employees make value judgements about who can receive help and who should be punished by withholding this help. This is very topical as now our government has announced plans for social welfare reform in NZ.

Meditation / Conversation starter

  • How do you handle homeless beggars and car beggars?


Chalice Lighting:- In the Mystery of Life About Us There is Light” by George Kimmich Beach

Reading / Meditation:- words from Kahil Gilbran

Main talk:- The Answer I Wish I’d Given” by Erika Hewitt

Extinguishing the Chalice:- Daring Vision” by Maureen Killoran

Closing Words:- Thank you for the stories” by Lizzie Kingston Harrison