All posts by Auckland Unitarian

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Join us at 11am Sunday mornings

(22:00 UTC Saturday evening)

Our services include a talk from a different speaker every week, often followed by a discussion. Services feature Jaime Taylor on our fully restored stereophonic pipe organ, and/or Frank Chen on piano. We always finish with morning tea and opportunity for friendly socialising.

Join us ‘live’ in the building,
or via Zoom, link below:-
Meeting ID: 894 916 3748, Passcode: 12345

Coming up:-

11.00am Sunday 30th March

Topic:- TBA

Speaker & Worship Leader:- Kate Lewis

you can also

Zoom into an 11:00am Wednesday morning tea and chat, with whoever else turns up

Follow this link to read the latest (March 2025) ANZUUA (Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association) Newsletter. At the bottom of each newsletter is the opportunity to subscribe as an individual.

Health and safety measures: We now have working air purifiers in the church, to help reduce the spread of any nasties.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2024

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2024 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Worship Leader:- Rachel Mackintosh

Proceeds from tonight’s collection will go to Rainbow Youth. The church’s Management Committee has approved matching dollar for dollar tonight’s koha, or you can contribute to this collection directly into our bank account No:- 02 0100 0024691 00, and put ‘Xmas24’ in the details. Please be generous.


  • Betsy Marshall
  • Alaine Tasker
  • Peter Kenedi
  • Izzy Richardson
  • Kate Lewis
  • Ted Zorn


Piano – Frank Chen
Organ – Jaime Taylor
French horn – Chris Breeden
Voice – Sophie Richardson


Missing Services

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Apologies from the video editor, we’ve had a hiccup with editing recent services, they are recorded, but we haven’t been able to prepare the videos and audio files for publication. That has now changed. From here on – 3rd November – we’ll be adding new services soon after they happen, and catching up with the old ones, listed below, as time allows.

“Music Sunday”, Rachel Mackintosh, 27th October
“Certification of the organ”, Rachel Mackintosh, 20th October
“The importance of ritual”, Barbara Thomborson, 13 October
“Jain wisdom in a pluralistic world”, Claire Butler, 6 October
“A language of reverence”, Ted Zorn, 29 September
“Flower Communion”, Karn Cleary, 22 September

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2023

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Proceeds from tonight’s collection will go to Rainbow Youth and to the NZ Food Network. The church’s Management Committee has approved matching dollar for dollar tonight’s koha. You can still contribute to this collection directly into our bank account No:- 02 0100 0024691 00, and put ‘Xmas 23‘ in the details. Please be generous.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 2023

Please join us for our special Unitarian Christmas Eve service from 8.00pm on Sunday 24 December. If you are in Auckland, come to 1a Ponsonby Rd in time to get a seat. If you are not, we welcome you to our live stream, Note this service will not be watchable via Zoom. Check your world clock to see what time it will be where you are. Please mark your diary and join us for a service of festivities, stories and music, with a shared light supper to follow. Our musicians will include Frank Chen on piano, Jaime Taylor on our stereophonic pipe organ, and — for our special music — Tess Brothersen on vocals.


Farewell Clay Nelson

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We mourn our just-retired Minister, Clay Nelson, who died on 2 November 2023. Clay was our Minister from September 2014 to August 2023.

Givealittle page to raise funds towards Clay’s funeral.

Nina Khouri has launched a givealittle page to support Clay’s family with funeral costs.

Clay Nelson touched so many people through his 40 years of ministry, introducing folk to the power of radical love and acting as a resource to all who desire to experience their full humanity through their chosen spiritual path. And dedicating his life to building communities committed to transforming the world to be a little more just and a little more peaceful.

The Funeral was on Saturday 11th November, at the Auckland Unitarian Church. and was livestreamed on YouTube, follow this link Funeral Service for Clay Nelson -, to view that.

Follow this link for the NZ Herald death notice and condolences page.

Here’s the Eulogy delivered by Rachel Mackintosh at Clay’s Funeral.

Clay was born on 31 May 1949 in Coral Gables, Florida.

His father, Calvin Clayton Nelson Sr, was a student at the time and was subsequently an academic whose career took him all around the USA — so Clay and his younger sister Cynthia, recently reunited for some happy days in Philadelphia, lived all over the place … a couple  stints in Florida, and also Sandy Oregon, Yakima Washington, Gunnison Colorado, and eventually LA California …

Continue reading Farewell Clay Nelson

2022 Service Auction

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Begins Monday 28 November 2022

Our church’s service auctions are the major fundraising events of the year.

This year bidding for most items will take place by email over 4 days (from Monday 28 November until Friday 2 December).

Follow this link to the catalogue of auction services and items, along with instructions on how to bid.

In addition to online bidding, we will be holding a LIVE auction at the Church on Saturday 3 December from 4.00 – 6.00 pm.

Live Auction on Saturday 3 December 4.00 – 6.00 PM

Please join us at the Church for a happy hour of drinks, nibbles and conversation starting at 4 pm on Saturday 3 December. The programme will include a live auction of items listed on the last page of the catalogue. Everyone is welcome – regardless of whether or not you place a bid.

As the evening will mark the first social event at the Church in ages, we hope you will come along to reconnect and support this important fundraiser.