Major Projects

Projects where the congregation are very much involved with support and funding.

Samoa’s Nonviolent Struggle for Independence from New Zealand Colonial Rule

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Speaker & Worship Leader:- Paul Henriques

Samoa’s Nonviolent Struggle for Independence from New Zealand Colonial Rule
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Paul Henriques © 2 July 2023

As many of you know, with Auckland Unitarian Church support, I initiated a pilot programme to help dyslexic children in Samoa in a joint programme with their Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture. While there I came across information on Samoa’s nonviolent struggle for independence from New Zealand. Back in New Zealand, I began to read up on the subject and in asking friends and family about it, found few knew much about it and some nothing at all. I find it a very sad but interesting story, that certainly deserves knowing about, and thought I would share a bit of it with you this morning.

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Glen Taylor School

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with Chris Herlihy, Principal, Glen Taylor School

with Chris Herlihy, Principal, Glen Taylor School

Chris Herlihy © 13 June 2021


Welcome includes:- “Children Widen the Circle of Our Being in Ways That Are Limitless” by Gary Kowalski

Chalice Lighting is:- “Chalice Lighting for Children’s Sunday” By Christian Schmidt, Alexis Capen

Time for all ages:- “If I Built a School” by Chris Van Dusen

Koha Hymn:- “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child”, #97

Reading:- “Honouring Children” By Linda Olson Peebles

Closing Hymn: “I Seek the Spirit of a Child” #338,
performed by Julia Stubbs

Closing Words:- “We All Emerge” By Eric Williams

Pacific Dyslexia Aid – June 2021 Update

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Although Tonga fortunately has no community transmission of COVID-19, travel there is not possible at present and thus the pandemic has seriously affected our ability to train teachers in the use of Steps as well as supply laptops to schools.

Our main effort has shifted to attempting to collect from New Zealand companies laptops which are up for replacement. We will then provide them to Tongan primary schools as soon as we can. In addition, fund raising continues in order to purchase new laptops for the schools.

We look forward to being able to return to Tonga and assist their Ministry staff to expand this valuable and well received Steps literacy programme, especially helpful for dyslexic children.

Tongan teachers and Ministry of Education and Training staff with certified Steps Pacific Islands literacy trainer Dr Paul Henriques of our Auckland Unitarian Peace and Social Justice Group, in January 2020.

Help a Kid to Camp – Thank You!!

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Thanks to everyone for the tremendous support for this campaign! 

Through your efforts, church members have sponsored 43 Year 7 & 8 Glen Taylor School students to the school camp at Kawau Island held later this month.  Sponsorship for these students is very much appreciated, and the school’s Principal, Chris Herlihy, sends huge thanks to all! 

Read the original appeal for more about this campaign

Help a Kid to Camp

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The Help a Kid to Camp campaign for Glen Taylor School is a request for sponsorship to enable students in this decile 1a school to attend a school camp on Kawau Island in May this year.

You can read all about it on the sponsorship form.

If you want to sponsor a student, then we ask that you:-

  • donate to the church’s account, Auckland Unitarian Church, 02 0100 0024691 00 and reference the donation as “Kids Camp”
  • Return the sponsorship form to:-, or to Gary or Brenda on a Sunday morning.

The Peace & Social Justice Group will send the sponsorship forms into Glen Taylor School so that sponsors can be matched with a student. 

The campaign finishes Friday 7th May, and we ask that all sponsorship donations are made before that date.

Peace & Social Justice Report – July 2020

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Peace & Social Justice Report – July 2020

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Brenda reports that in the Food Parcel Assistance for Glen Taylor School (GTS) during lockdown, in which much of the congregation was involved, a total of $2,370 was donated by us which meant many families in their local communities were helped. The principal of GTS and Clay put together a Sunday Zoom service on 17th May which was much enjoyed.

When asked how we could best help advocate for GTS, the principal suggested we could help ensure the promised upgrade to the school property actually occurs, support an increase in wages for Teacher Aids, and continue to press for an end to child poverty and a reduction in inequality.

Continue reading Peace & Social Justice Report – July 2020

Peace and Social Justice Group – February 2020 update

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with Paul Henriques

Peace and Social Justice Group – February 2020 update
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Paul Henriques © 16 February 2020

Duffy Books in Homes

Our Peace and Social Justice (PSJ) sponsorship of the Glen Taylor School, which enables their participation in the Duffy Books in Homes programme, continues to reward us with great satisfaction. The children are thriving with the supplied books. PSJ representatives will attend a role model assembly at the school in March and I’m sure Brenda and Gary will provide more details on that after we’ve been.

Continue reading Peace and Social Justice Group – February 2020 update