Tag Archives: John Shelby Spong

Do Unitarians go to Heaven?

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Rev. Clay Nelson


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Opening Words: For Five Thousand Years, Or MoreMatthew Johnson

Rev. Clay Nelson © 29 May 2016

To answer the question, “Can a Unitarian go to heaven?” I asked Google. I got some interesting responses, all “No!”

No, Unitarians don’t like gated communities.

No, everyone in heaven is in agreement. Thinking it was hell Unitarians wouldn’t go in.

No, a dead Unitarian is all dressed up, but with no place to go.

No, on the road to the after-life there is a fork in the road. The left path has a sign “To Heaven” and the right has a sign “To a Discussion about Heaven.” Without pausing, the Unitarians always turns right.

And my personal favourite:
No, old Unitarians choose not to go to heaven; instead they try to die on the second Thursday of the month because that’s when the recycling goes out.

The next one might have been intended as a joke, but actually is to the point.
No, Unitarians believe in life before death.
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Who is Krishna and Why Should We Care?

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By Rev. Clay Nelson.


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Clay Nelson © 6 September 2015

When John Shelby Spong was my bishop, he visited Japan. When he returned he met with clergy in his diocese to discuss what he learned about Shintoism and Taoism. I remember him saying that the best way to understand one’s own beliefs is to look at them through the lens of someone else’s.

Yesterday, many Hindus around the world celebrated one of their major feasts, Janmashtami, sometimes referred to as the Birth of Krishna. Continue reading Who is Krishna and Why Should We Care?