
Miscellaneous items not excluded because they’re miscellaneous

Circle-group Style Service

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Worship Leaders:- 
Tess Brothersen & Shirin Caldwell

No recordings this week

Circle Groups are a unique ministry – not a therapy group, a study group, or a discussion group.  Members practice “deep listening” together without critique, response, or cross-talk.

Circle Groups (or Covenant Groups) are a great way for new and old members of the congregation to get to know each other at a deeper level. 

Today we split into 2 separate Circle Group sessions:-

In church with Shirin Caldwell who started our first Circle Group over 15 years ago,

An on-line session using Zoom with Tess Brothersen.

Farewell Clay Nelson

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We mourn our just-retired Minister, Clay Nelson, who died on 2 November 2023. Clay was our Minister from September 2014 to August 2023.

Givealittle page to raise funds towards Clay’s funeral.

Nina Khouri has launched a givealittle page to support Clay’s family with funeral costs.

Clay Nelson touched so many people through his 40 years of ministry, introducing folk to the power of radical love and acting as a resource to all who desire to experience their full humanity through their chosen spiritual path. And dedicating his life to building communities committed to transforming the world to be a little more just and a little more peaceful.

The Funeral was on Saturday 11th November, at the Auckland Unitarian Church. and was livestreamed on YouTube, follow this link Funeral Service for Clay Nelson -, to view that.

Follow this link for the NZ Herald death notice and condolences page.

Here’s the Eulogy delivered by Rachel Mackintosh at Clay’s Funeral.

Clay was born on 31 May 1949 in Coral Gables, Florida.

His father, Calvin Clayton Nelson Sr, was a student at the time and was subsequently an academic whose career took him all around the USA — so Clay and his younger sister Cynthia, recently reunited for some happy days in Philadelphia, lived all over the place … a couple  stints in Florida, and also Sandy Oregon, Yakima Washington, Gunnison Colorado, and eventually LA California …

Continue reading Farewell Clay Nelson

Universal Worship

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with representatives from the major world faiths.

7:15PM, Friday 7th May 2021

Inviting people of all faiths to join us for a special service celebrating our unity and spiritual friendship across the differences of race, culture and beliefs.

Universal Worship is an inclusive service spreading the message of the underlying unity of religion. It intends to foster harmony, respect and understanding amongst the faith communities.

Universal Worship includes sacred music and readings from the scriptures of the worlds major religions.

Homage to Black Power

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A ritual conducted from the USA,
Sunday 14th June, 2.00PM New Zealand time.

Homage to Black Power – Love from all over the world

It will be streamed on Facebook

Or you can join via Zoom

And you can find out more at

Gender and Economic Equality for Women in New Zealand: Progress and Challenges

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Following on from her talk – What are we waiting for? — the pitfalls of respectability – to us on International Women’s day 8th March, Rachel Mackintosh was part of this panel discussion hosted by the Human Rights Commission, held on Tuesday 10th March.

Gender and Economic Equality for Women in New Zealand: Progress and Challenges was chaired by the Right Honourable Helen Clark, former prime Minister of New Zealand, and featured panellists:

  • Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo, Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner
  • Prue Kapua, President of the Māori Women’s Welfare League
  • Lisa Lawrence, National President National Council of Women
  • Rachel Mackintosh, Council of Trade Unions
  • Rebecca Barnes-Clark, Ministry for Women

Art on a spiritual theme…

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Interactive Station: The Tree of Life or the Tree of Enlightenment.

Finished mandala with exhibition visitor’s names on leaves and attributes of a nurturing community on the flowers.

The Tree of Life appears in almost every faith, but it could be the Jewish Old Testament tree in Eden, the Christian, Mormon or Baha’i Tree of Life, the Bodhi Tree of Enlightenment of the Buddhist, The Norse tree of Yggdrasill, the Oak tree of the Druid or the Fig tree of Hinduism.

All are pictures of the archetypal Sacred Tree, a metaphor for the source of life and connecting all forms of creation.

One-day-only exhibition: Saturday 6th July, 12.00 noon to 4.00pm.

A variety of artists with different influences and views on a common theme of spirituality, illustrating the very many ways art can be spiritual.